Lets play a game!!! Associations!!


 The first word is "City" =))

 My word: Underground... ;)

 Dark and dirty world! Car...

 Oh...I'm fond of fast driving... Speed )

 We're driving TOO fast!!! I feel a little dizzy! So my word is dizziness.

 when i feel dizzy i puke

 then I jump around the tree ......XD......

 and then an Apple fall down on your head)

 and you feel ache and dissapointment

 disappointment - death

 after death you will be on the sky

 sky - sun / death -ashes

 after all many little white angels arounded me and started to sing a beatiful song...

 dissipation or rather an unrestrained indulgence ...

 Summer thunderstorm

 crazy rainbow over heads..))

 the past